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First trip to Kakarook

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 4:23 pm
by ChrisD
Made my first trip down to Kakarook this afternoon.
Drive there and back was a pain in the rear - think I managed to get every red light in both directions :(
Hit the lake up with a scrubworm under a float and a mix of SPs and tassie devils on the second rod.
Spent a little over two hours working my way round try around the weeds and open water.
End result was a big, fat donut.........and some sunburn. Zero shade and I forgot the sunscreen.
Definitely want to get back there some time - although will probably aim for a dusk session instead of middle of the day. But first i have to psych myself up to tackle the traffic agian.

Re: First trip to Kakarook

Posted: Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:57 pm
by SteveoTheTiger
I fished Karkarook a few years back, similar set up to you and with the same results.

However while i was there i did see a few carp brought in by some guys who were set up on the north side of the bridge.

Re: First trip to Kakarook

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 7:24 pm
by Sebb
Karkarook used to have a lot of redfin. I never fished there with a float, usually either lures or running sinker with either worm or powerbait.
That little lake definitely gets a lot of fishing pressure.
Yeah, lile everywhere else, early morning or evening is best.

Re: First trip to Kakarook

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 8:50 pm
by Charles7
The traffic is why I stopped fishing there. I used to have to go down Warrigal Road and it drove me insane. I'm not sure how the locals do it these days but bombing it long into the middle of the lake with mosquitofish for bait was the go (using mosquitofish for bait might be illegal). I myself used worms on a running sinker rig and tried to fish the pier as much as I could. Apparently it gets as deep as 13m out in the middle.