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Re: Patterson river mouth

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2023 9:11 pm
by Sebb
PPB is much bigger bay than WP. The wind builds up waves more in PPB.

Re: Patterson river mouth

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 5:58 pm
by cobby
2 things you don't want: 15knot+ onshore wind in PPB, and a 15knot+ wind against tide anywhere in WP.

And no, it wouldn't have improved by much at all once you got out

Re: Patterson river mouth

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 7:58 pm
by ango
Yeah, gets a bit choppy on the run out tide like at Mordi, generally it does gets smoother when you get out a bit. My experience is if you can make it out you will always get back in OK, just ride in on the back of a wave. I was out once fishing for snapper with no bites when a front came through and it got up to 25 kts SW. It was like a switch had been turned on, the snapper went berserk & I was bagged out pretty quickly. On the way in I surfed a wave from half way along Mordi pier to inside the creek mouth, the propeller was ratcheting all the way.

Re: Patterson river mouth

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:56 pm
by bugeater
Well I'm technically unemployed now (I have a new job starting in four weeks, so not a big deal), so my plan is to launch in Western Port tomorrow. Seems to be a southerly, so I'm thinking Hastings is probably the best best (all tide launch, etc). Winds don't look too bad in the morning when I plan to leave. Really need to break this baby in and complete the sea trials. Assume it won't be too busy on a Tuesday. I could do Corinella, but that's a considerably further drive.