I'm really glad to be here, I love an old school forum - and what a goldmine of info on here!

Recently got back into fishing after about 15years of not picking up a rod! Originally from the UK, fished with my grandfather right up until he passed away in my early 20s.
I mostly used a pole (but know my way around a rod and reel) and live bait, fresh water, mainly for Carp, Perch, Roach, Bream and the occasional Pike. Mostly on a local canal, or some ponds and lakes. Always loved it but it can be mighty slow paced!
I'm really interested in going full saltwater - have spent countless hours over the last couple of months reading and watching videos on soft plastics and lure fishing, which is completely new to me! Wow, looks like such a fun and engaging way to fish!
Going to pull the trigger on some tackle very soon so hoping I can fire off a few questions if I get stuck, and maybe find a few tips on decent locations, etc.
Peace, love and tight lines!