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Port Albert - in and out

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 2:30 pm
by Elmer Stratty
We went to Port Albert a couple of days ago to brave the cool mornings. Got to the ramp at 7am and we had the place to ourselves. It was a bit chilly launching but behind the windscreen was quite comfortable.

Headed straight offshore as the wind and swell was slight but expected to climb a bit by 1pm.

First stop was about 20m deep straight out from the entrance. A few throw back flatties and not much else. The drift was a brisk 1.5kts and with the nose pointing towards the sun it was a bit cool fishing in the shade.

A change of location had us towards the islands a bit where I dropped the anchor to sun ourselves while we fished. Still a bit quite with the occasional flatty and a Gurnard and a port Jackson shark.

We pulled up anchor and headed to White Rock where we drifted over some likely critters. A mixed bag of wrasse, barber perch and red cod - all released. As we made our way back to the entrance we stopped a couple of times to try our luck but it was pretty quiet.

We headed back in before 1pm with the ocean glassing off. 50km/h in the now flat entrance and up to the shallows of Snake Island to look for squid. No luck with the squid so tried another spot towards Welshpool for naught.

Last stop was back towards the entrance next to Drum island for another decent flatty and a few tailor before heading back to the ramp at 4pm.

Inside water temp average of 12-13c and outside 14c.

Ended up with a feed of tailor and flatty. No gummies and didn’t manage to find a winter pinky.

We’ll try Lakes next trip.