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Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 7:58 am
by trewy2428
Well I got home last night, it was blowing a gale and pouring rain so I thought what better to do then go fishing :-D

So I packed up the wet weather gear and headed down to the local beach, hoping of getting a good feed of pinkies for dinner, and boy was I in luck.
I was only down there for just over an hour before my headlamp batteries died :( but in that time I landed 8 pinkies and two salmon. The pinkies were that hot I had to put the second rod away because I couldn't get it re-baited before the other rod had gone off! Was using halved squid heads for bait.
The pinkies mostly measured around the 35cm mark, keeping three for dinner and releasing a few for another time.
I've been switching all my reels over to FishingSir Godline braid recently, and I have to say, even in these horrendous conditions, I could not fault it. Not a single wind knot and the casting distance was crazy. Strength held up well and got me out of many snags. They also make a fluorocarbon product which I was using as a leader and clearly it worked well. Would highly recommend checking it out.

Until next time!
Tight Lines

Re: Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 8:50 am
by Duffman
Nice report and pics mate. Its amazing to have good fishing in the middle of winter and all this UNGODLY weather. :victory:

Re: Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:35 am
by Fish-cador
Good work.

The pinkies are out there but they are paper thin. Not a single ounce of oil in them. My recent catches were just an inch or so thick and they were in 32 - 35 cm mark.

Re: Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:31 am
by mpharris66
Gotta agree with you , wet weather gear and a line in the water. I headed to Grantville and it fairly p1ssed down but only for 10mins. A few bites but nothing like your haul. I wish!

Re: Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 11:38 am
by Lightningx
Good on you for giving it a go in those conditions mate!
Sounds like you had a good session though while your battery lasted.
Enjoy the feed :thumbsup:

Re: Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 3:13 pm
by smile0784
Well done mate

Re: Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 5:07 pm
by purple5ive
Well done mate. Good stuff.
Where can we buy things new line and leader yoki speak of?
Fc.. why do you think theyare skinny as. Should be in good nick for this time of the year I would have thought.

Re: Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 5:16 pm
by Fish-cador
purple5ive wrote: Fc.. why do you think theyare skinny as. Should be in good nick for this time of the year I would have thought.
Maybe they enrolled with Jenny Craig. :-)

No bait fish around where i normally fish. No's famine out there...Maybe they turned vegan. How the F would i know why they are thin. :rofl:

Re: Pinkies off the Beach

Posted: Sun Jul 22, 2018 10:22 am
by Nude up
I take my hat off to you for fishing land based in crap weather and then getting great results whilst I am waiting for the wind to drop to get my boat out I think I need to have a cup of concrete. Well done