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Beaumaris Squadron Jetty

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 7:16 pm
by sidrx
Was out there this arvo, didn't have any luck. Was throwing plastics and spent a lot of time trying to get some squid for some call tonight, but no luck.

There were fresh squid stains on the jetty..

Was casting squidgy wrigglers on a 1/16 nitro jighead
And a size 2.5 ( I think it was ) or 3, clear shimano keimura squid jig. Going to pick up a few jigs later as I'm considering on heading to flinders very early tomorrow.



Re: Beaumaris Squadron Jetty

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2011 8:22 pm
by DonVito
Heya Sid,

Was there a couple of nights ago.. Where abouts did you flick the squid jigs from? Pier? I caught one within the first 20 mins of being there the other night. Found a spot you'd never ever think to find squid too =]

Caught on a yamashita natural prawn color.


Re: Beaumaris Squadron Jetty

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 12:05 am
by sidrx
Yeah, I was on the pier. It was just me and some fella with his kids (I assume). Then they left shortly after.

Did you get it off the boat ramp? As in, the ramp that's closes to the walk-in gates or the one further to the left?