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Patto River 26/2/16

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 9:22 am
by Kadmium
So a couple of mates and I decided to go for an early morning fish at Patto River yesterday morning. I loaded up my two light outfits (one soft plastic and one bait) and other bits and pieces. Unfortunately it was going to be high tide right as we arrived and running out during
sunrise. No matter.

We arrived at about 6:45 to a windy westerley gusty mess. Casting was hard and my first cast with the Zman MinnowZ was taken 45 degrees accross and into a wall. :down:

We moved down stream towards the rail bridge casting as we went. Not a touch. Bite detection was non existent and my line ran parallel to the water at most times. We made the bridge and thought for sure it would be holding fish. No joy.

We fished our way to the mouth but the wind got worse on the exposed rocks. We moved back to the bridge but nothing. We had put in 3 hours for not even a touch. I made the call to pull the pin and suggested we move up river and try our luck at some carp. We packed up and went for a drive.

Using google maps we located a spot we thought would work and made our way there. We bush bashed a little to get there and finally set up in a small little clearing. It was a beautiful spot. Unfortunately other people had found it too because it was littered with rubbish. :down:

We used corn for bait and got our lines in. About 15 minutes in my mates rod starts to get interest. He picks it up slowly... lets the fish mouth the bait a little then bang! Strikes and he's on! A good fight on light gear and some acrobatics with the net and his first ever carp!! 52cm and a healthy looking fish. A knock on the head and a few snaps for good measure.


Rods back in. I was a little jealous as in 3 trips I was still donuts on carp. Then about 30 minutes later I got some real interest. I gave him a few seconds and then a good strike (with loose drag so not to rip the hooks from him) and he fought like a tiger. Great little fight getting him in with several runs and trying to bust me off on snags. Ended up with my first ever carp!!

62cm and he was quite fat too!

All in an awesome day with a mix of salt and fresh water in the same river. I really do love how lucky we are!! Cheers for reading!

Re: Patto River 26/2/16

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 9:49 am
by Lightningx
Sounds like a fun day out :) nice report.

Re: Patto River 26/2/16

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:09 pm
by spudtrans
nice report, thanks

Re: Patto River 26/2/16

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 8:45 pm
by Nude up
Great read mate not bad for your first carp

Re: Patto River 26/2/16

Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 9:13 pm
by Boonanza
A couple more mudsuckers gone well done mate :thumbsup:

Re: Patto River 26/2/16

Posted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:34 am
by Buckle&scream
Good work buddy!