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Carrum, Wed 2nd Jan 2013..

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:10 am
by nhillboy
Me and a mate met my brother in law at Patterson boat ramp at 2.30pm to get out and land a few snapper. Every boat we saw head out would be back in the river 5 minutes later. She was blowing 15-20 knts SW to SE and big dirty rough waves (1-2 mtrs). We tried twice to get out 3.30 and 4.30pm. Instead we went on a tour in the canals to kill some time and see how the wealthy live. Finally the wind dropped below 10 knts and we headed out at 6.45pm. Fished in 14 and 16 meters of water till 10pm as the wind was starting to blow up again. First location was ok but moved when a seal started circling the boat and was hoovering up our pilchard burley pieces. Second location fired up as the sun was setting for only about half an hour. Landed 1 big banjo released, 1 flathead 34cm, 1 pinky 30cm and numerous pinkys in the mid 20 cm range (released). My mate said in frustration i can go to Brighton breakwall to catch undersize pinkys, have they followed me all way out here to the boat. The day didn't go to plan and we caught buggar all fish but we had fun being on the water and wetting a line. The Bureau forecast was spot on for the whole day but Willy the **** had forecast 6 knts gentle...Hope this post wasn't too long, :cheers: Jim... :water: