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Re: Really wanna catch a Jewie...

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 10:48 am
by vinhii
I too had same similar experience like you mick lol but i had the big rod out not sure if you remember it lol :P
anyway all i remember is putting a freshest of fresh! piece of fish fillet on my hook and 30-40mins later decided its time to check it and BANG!!! rocketed off like a bullet train! i knew it wasnt a stingray since it wasnt pulling and pulling.. this things head was smashing left and right left and right so i let him run.. but by time i looked down at my spool nearly half was GONE! crikey!

So i quickly grabbed him.. had a 15min fight... boy was he powerful and then PINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! .. i was angry lol some words were thrown around.. but the oldies reassured me that it was a big mulla lol theyve seen it happen before and its happened to them..

Like the boys said.. sometimes its the matter of being there the right time right tide doing everything youd do to chase a different fish lol and itll happen!

Goodluck :D see you out there soon hehe

Re: Really wanna catch a Jewie...

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:24 am
by ghost chaser
Hey mate, stick to the landbased places that u know produce jew and be very very PATIENT. Fresh bait solid gear and a bit of luck ( usually comes in small stints ) might put u in with a show.