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Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:51 pm
by blacklab99
My spelling, yep, never was that good at that .

Nope, not good on computers, it's obvious you are !

Very nicely deleted your sook comment ah !

Pity it was seen by many before you deleted it then denied it !
Piece of work fella !

I'm finished with this thread now, back to the re build, Those fish don't wait for no man !


Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 10:59 pm
by ducky
Interesting thread. But for the love of god can people stop multi quoting thousand word responses? Some of those earlier pages were a nightmare.

This drought in qld and nsw has far reaching impacts across Australia. I work in part of the ag sector that exports produce. We are well and truly priced out of the market due to domestic prices being so high. It has hit us pretty hard here in Vic.
4liters wrote:Which is all correct but I have a hard time believing that much of that is contributed by marginal dirt farms on the edge of the desert and is mostly coming from the irrigated parts of the MDB and the high rainfall areas along the coasts.
Jeez goony. Those “marginal dirt farms” are big business. Not too many parts of regional Vic, nsw and qld that’s just marginal dirt farms unless you’re considering cropping? Huge money in cropping when it isn’t bloody dirt like it is now a couple of months before harvest.

Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:00 pm
by Kimtown
VooDoo wrote:To snag or not to snag - what a big dilemma it will be for me come this Friday!!!

Bunnings marketing department have done a wonderful job to get this question debated here vigorously - and of course, how many of us will just go there for a snag and perhaps a fag only? Majority will just can't resist the temptation to step inside that massive shed to get something else. But whatever their motives are, at least they are putting the issue out there for discussion and at least raise some much needed funds to help out the affect farmers who are doing it real tough. If you can't picture the real crisis then perhaps this article will help you understand it - ... t/10088628. Remember this is the WHOLE state of NSW (as well as other parts of QLD) that are being affected - hence the urgency of the government to act.

I will leave the debate about the importance of agriculture or other industries toward our nation to those whom posted before me but I will need to address one thing - whether you agree with the campaign ran by the Big Shed Bunnings or not, there was no need to go cast the wide net that all farmers are undeserving of our sympathy during this tough time. Not all farmers are hand me down generations as one put it and not all area in the countries are in severe drought conditions.

Totally agreed with many posters that it's such an "un-Australian" act. There was no need to put the boot into someone whom is already hurt and doing it tough. I will call it beyond "un-Australian" act but more akin to a coward act - even if these are just words.

After all that, think i feel like a snag on Friday - probably will make it 2 and will round it up with a note as well!! At least my tummy will be happy :super:
I like how you say you're not going to enter the debate, before mentioning you need to address 1 thing, then proceed to address multiple things AND give your opinion on the subject too...

Literally NO ONE made any mention that all farmers were undeserving of our sympathy... no one even mentioned any farmers were undeserving of our support.
Also "coward act"? Please............
I didn't realize this was the forum for all the nations social justice warriors

Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:06 pm
by Kimtown
blacklab99 wrote:HaHaHa,
My spelling, yep, never was that good at that .

Nope, not good on computers, it's obvious you are !

Very nicely deleted your sook comment ah !

Pity it was seen by many before you deleted it then denied it !
Piece of work fella !

I'm finished with this thread now, back to the re build, Those fish don't wait for no man !

Umm what?

I literally haven't deleted a single thing in this thread other than a post calling you a 'pathetic mutt' as it was too provocative and I would have only been stooping to your **** poor level of unjustified name calling...

Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:19 pm
by Kimtown
This bloke has the nerve to call someone out as both a liar and a ******** but completely fabricates quotes out of thin air to help support his own bias ass bull stance in an argument

How ******* ironic hahahaha it doesn't get any better

Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:20 pm
by blacklab99
You made some attacking detrimental comments, you were sick of hearing all their sooking ! ( you deleted )
Make your statements, leave them up, don't delete them, take responsibilty for what you penned.
That's the only reason I got involved in this thread, you big noted yourself and made big ballsy comments ( you deleted )
And don't have the fortitude to be honest.
I'll defend anyone in dire straights being bad mouthed by uniformed clowns.

Voodoo put up a great post, he has that right, he wont delete it, he'll leave it up there.
Considering your personal comments about my education and ability to understand what your saying,
You don't seem to like it when someone else doesn't hold your views !
We'll nick name you " the Teflon kid" me thinks !
Voodoo hit the nail on the head " coward act" but would that be for calling farmers "sooks" or deleting then denying it ?
********, dead set.


Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:24 pm
by Kimtown
blacklab99 wrote:Kimtown,
You made some attacking detrimental comments, you were sick of hearing all their sooking ! ( you deleted )
Make your statements, leave them up, don't delete them, take responsibilty for what you penned.
That's the only reason I got involved in this thread, you big noted yourself and made big ballsy comments ( you deleted )
And don't have the fortitude to be honest.
I'll defend anyone in dire straights being bad mouthed by uniformed clowns.

Voodoo put up a great post, he has that right, he wont delete it, he'll leave it up there.
Considering your personal comments about my education and ability to understand what your saying,
You don't seem to like it when someone else doesn't hold your views !
We'll nick name you " the Teflon kid" me thinks !
Voodoo hit the nail on the head " coward act" but would that be for calling farmers "sooks" or deleting then denying it ?
********, dead set.

HAHAHAHA you cannot be serious...
If I deleted posts why have they not been quoted, yet every single other post of mine in this thread has??

Hmm.... I wonder

I'll give your sub 50 I.Q melon a few minutes to figure this one out LOL

Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2018 11:25 pm
by Mattblack
blacklab99 wrote:Great post Rb, some very good points,

And without calling farmers "sooks" and attitudes of "entitlement", as that d*** head chose to label them.

I believe Its all about planning and moving with the times, which farmers will have to do in order to survive.

It was said here by another ill informed person, all the good stuff gets sold off shore and we pay a fortune for lesser quality produce.
Our agriculture sector supplies 93 % of what we eat, So again, people, as mentioned before in another thread, should put there foot in there gob, if they state untruths.

The only thing I can really question Rb is re the money side.
Do you know how many Billions we subsidised the car industry over the years, for an industry that couldn't compete , propped up by the tax payer and contributing way less to the economy than agriculture and supporting far less employees and virtually adding nothing to the counties GDP.
I had three family members effected by the closing, so I do have empathy with all those effected. But if we have to talk about what we pay in supporting an industry, firstly we must also look at their economical benefits to the country.

Any country that can physically feed itself, is in better shape than most out there, this is such an important part of the fabric and strength of a countries back bone, and yet most people would rather have billions spent on subsidies to support a failing car industry without so much as a second thought, for all those years.
A lot of generalisations have been made, by people that have firstly no first hand experience of what is involved in life on a farm and indeed what is involved in running and committing to a farming career, but somehow without ever stepping foot on a working farm, are suddenly experts, that erks me RB, and I don't lump you in that category, let me make that clear.
But in conclusion, I'll say that 99 % of farmers in this country, are adapting and changing to both the climatic and market changes that are happening, the wealth they create or save this country, by effectively providing 93 % of our intake, shouldn't be sneezed at, we would be in all sorts of trouble as a country if all our food was bought off shore, along with the massive flow on effect of subsidery businesses that exist to directly support agriculture.
It's a hard call, but it's an industry I believe we must support 100%, we cant afford not too me thinks.
We can do without our ford falcon or Holden commodore parked in the driveway, but we all have to eat ! that's the key !


Hey Col,
Ive worked in the industry most of my life....what erks me is a an armchair expert who's only qualification is simply knowing someone with a hobby farm & regurgitating what comes up as the #1 answer in google when you type in a simplistic question.
I never said "good stuff gets sold off shore and we pay a fortune for lesser quality produce"....I just said the majority of us are eating lower quality imported foods (if you want quality Australian produce, you have to pay top dollar for it) It's simple demand and supply....Asia pays top dollar for 'clean, green Australian's not rocket science.
The future is here...It's the antiquated farms that have done nothing in regards to innovation that are disappearing, the good operators are flourishing....innovate or close the gate.
I indeed feel for the guys doing it tough (not just farmers, but anyone doing it tough) but the whole world is changing and jumping on the politically correct bandwagon for an easy win on a forum & buying a sausage isnt going to help anyone long term. What are you going to do when fully autonomous trucks are introduced...keep giving truckies a handout, or give them new skills?

Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 12:08 am
by blacklab99
Hi Matt,
I hate the armchair critic as well, I left our farm at 16 year old, basically milked cows, calved down and picked up hay before and after school. a lot of my childhood friends now have farms of there own which I still have a bit to do with. I got back into farming again after my aprentiship and contract milked for near 3 seasons, until I realised,to own my own dairy farm was going to be a 25 year actual realisation. My choice was to sell al my stock and machinery, which gave me a deposit on my first home. I never worked as hard as I had too in any other job i've had since, and I'm self employed now doing big hours. As you know, it's damn hard yakka, we never looked for handouts, never had a sob story to give to those arm chair critics that have never set foot on a farm, let alone have any idea what is involved or sacrificed, or had a sense of any entitlement.
And as you said, you would know if you've worked in the industry all your life.

I seriously don't believe we as Australians are given the second rate food here, the quality we eat is ever bit as good as that exported, i cant agree with that analogy. We are such a damn lucky country, with the quality of our food and drinking water, probably right up there with the worlds best producers in all honesty. The majority of Australians cant be eating more expensive imported goods, when 93 % of what we eat is Australian produced, those stats were only recently been bought out, We import only 7 % of food to this country, that's not a majority Matt.
I totally agree with you, to have empathy for anyone that's doing it tough, in any field or industry, and while sometimes that will mean propping that industry up during times of any disaster or unexpected occurance that effects jobs and production. And you hit the nail right on the head,
inovate, or close the gate, 100 %
But with this current drought, in some areas which were never effected by this type of weather cycle to this extreme before, there will always, be it drought, flood or indeed fires, that will be unexpectidly effected to the point of, quite honestly, disaster, and must be assisted, financially or however or what ever is needed.
Well, that's my way of looking at it, some consider it annoying sob stories, and Reaking of entitlement , sure makes you wonder where common empathy for those in need is with some, that's all I'm saying.

cheers Matt


Re: Snags on Friday..

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 5:10 am
by Josho
VooDoo wrote:To snag or not to snag - what a big dilemma it will be for me come this Friday!!!

Bunnings marketing department have done a wonderful job to get this question debated here vigorously - and of course, how many of us will just go there for a snag and perhaps a fag only? Majority will just can't resist the temptation to step inside that massive shed to get something else. But whatever their motives are, at least they are putting the issue out there for discussion and at least raise some much needed funds to help out the affect farmers who are doing it real tough. If you can't picture the real crisis then perhaps this article will help you understand it - ... t/10088628. Remember this is the WHOLE state of NSW (as well as other parts of QLD) that are being affected - hence the urgency of the government to act.

I will leave the debate about the importance of agriculture or other industries toward our nation to those whom posted before me but I will need to address one thing - whether you agree with the campaign ran by the Big Shed Bunnings or not, there was no need to go cast the wide net that all farmers are undeserving of our sympathy during this tough time. Not all farmers are hand me down generations as one put it and not all area in the countries are in severe drought conditions.

Totally agreed with many posters that it's such an "un-Australian" act. There was no need to put the boot into someone whom is already hurt and doing it tough. I will call it beyond "un-Australian" act but more akin to a coward act - even if these are just words.

After all that, think i feel like a snag on Friday - probably will make it 2 and will round it up with a note as well!! At least my tummy will be happy :super:
Spot on mate. It’s pretty simple