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Attention 90hp etec owners.

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:36 pm
by extreme mick
Calling all 90hp etec owners! If you have a 90hp etec with 25 inch leg (v6 gearcase) please send me your history with your engine, I am currently on my second 90 etec and second gearbox. The first engine blew up with less than 30 hrs on it, the second engines has a mere 4 hrs on it and has begun presenting the same symptoms as the first engine. I am led to believe that the engine is too small for the boat (1750 tournament), coupled with the v6 gearcase and 15 inch diameter prop, all delivered new from dealer. The engine breaks down at approx 5200 rpm and coasts till the revs drop to 4400 and en it powers up again till 5200 rpm then breaks down and so on. The first engine started to do this then eventually developed a massive vibration and knocking sounds at low revs, approx 1200 rpm. Evinrude replaced the engine and gearbox only to find that the same thing has begun again. If you have had any problems with your 90 etec with 25 inch leg please inbox or message me so I can continue my research into these problems. I am very concerned. Thanks everyone, please help me!