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Chilling out

Posted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 11:43 pm
by JS270
With the past few weeks stress and issues with work both John and I decided that a lazy mans session chasing reds from the car was in order this past Saturday. Things were kept simple with Pilchards and Squid being used with clipped down rigs and mated up to some of our lighter outfits. For me it was the Century TTLDSM and my Penn Squall 15 as well as the Zziplex PTX Bass mated to the Penn Squall 12 . Sinkers were 125 gram on the Zziplex and 150 gram on the TTLDSM. John was using the TTLDSM and the TTUL-ST in both 11'6" and 13" . With the TTUL-ST he had both of these mated up to Threadlines being the Daiwa Basia 25QD and the Saltiga Surf 6500 on the LDSM.


As we were fishing the bottom low tide change things weren't happening as we had hoped as the area had silted up and you needed to get the baits out past the drop off, Thankfully there was little wind and getting the baited rigs out there wasn't too much of an issues. First fish was a good pan sized Flathead taken on the TTLDSM .


It settled down and for a while we thought that this would be the only fish for the session , therefore we broke out the stove and pan and boiled up some water for a hot culpa soup and some fresh bread rolls to go with it, which proved to be ideal on a cold night like this.


Thankfully as the tide came up to the high I got a few more small pinkies but these were let go to get a bit bigger for next time. It was good getting the fish at Range as none of the outfits that were closer in got any hits at all.


One of the small pinkies taken on the Century TTLDSM :-)

All in all a very lazy nights fishing but with good company and a good culpa it was a top evening :mrgreen:


Re: Chilling out

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 4:51 am
by denis barden
Good Pics

Re: Chilling out

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 7:13 am
by Lightningx
Nice report and pics.

Re: Chilling out

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:20 am
by smile0784
Great report

Re: Chilling out

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:09 pm
by Nude up
Nice work you have to love those little gas stoves