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Lang Lang Boat Ramp.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 8:45 pm
by jasew3
Gday All
Was hoping for some advice as Im thinking of launching my 4mtr stacer boat out of Lang Lang and I know I can only launch in high tide but was hoping someone else mite have already tried there in their boat and wondering how long is the window of fishing around there b4 the tide turns and im stuck in mud? I thought maybe 2-3 hrs but I don't want to chance it unless I get sum info first. Maybe a kayak guy mite be able to give sum advice too as I know the water lvl is low but not sure how low? Not really that experienced launching that's why I thought I would go there seeing as its very quiet (plus wont get as many laughs at myself reversing the trailer).. Any help would be much appreciated
Cheers Jase. :cheers: :thumbsup:

Re: Lang Lang Boat Ramp.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2018 9:15 pm
by laneends
Window depends on tide heights. Using willyweather tide data for jam jerrup kayaks work on 1m tide. for a boat I guess you are looking 1.3m or so. This should give you about 600-700mm depth. But it is shallow a fair way out, and its always best to leave a margin.