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Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:07 am
by VooDoo
These VRFish people has lost my vote and respect.

If you advertise yourself like on this forum then please do have some basic courtesy to reply back to any queries that may thrown your way from the members .. If you can't handle the questions that may come your way then you shouldn't started the thread in the first place!!

BTW ... that is the worst intro i have seen on the forum full stop. We often giving people slack for just asking the question first off but at least they use their brain to form the question and ask it .. These VRFish mob just so lazy as to cut and paste!!

Better let Rexy loose on them I say!!!

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 10:01 am
by Kev209
I don't know much about VRFish, actually I have only heard the name once or twice.

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 12:24 pm
by szero25
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that for a group that is supposed to represent recreational fishers and they are not really communicating with them well in this particular post, that is of course if someone didn't start this post in the first place to get everyone riled up with how useless they appear to be.

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 8:25 pm
by vrfish
thank you for your questions. I'll try to answer them all.
I've never been part of a forum before, so I'd appreciate if you could give me a chance to get up to speed.
Firstly, I am a fisher and I am a member of a fishing club and have been for about 15 years. I've fished Port Phillip Bay, Westernport, Eildon, the Goulburn, the Murray, Portland, Bemm River etc and have also fished the NT rivers for Barra, Bermagui for Marlin and Tuna and I've fished Broome for Sails. As always, sometimes you are lucky and sometimes you are not. Either way, it is just great to go fishing and relax.
I enjoy my fishing when I get the chance, but I also volunteer my time to VRFish to represent fishers when government, councils and other entities try to implement changes that affect our ability to go fishing.
To set the record straight, VRFish is not a government organisation or a quasi political organisation. We are a-political, meaning we work with all political parties, local government, water authorities, industry organisations and anyone who has an affect on fishing, to get them to understand how valuable recreational fishing is to Victoria, Victorian fishers, our families, our kids and our friends. Only a fisher can understand the adrenaline rush we get when we catch a fish - whether it is a small fish or that fish of a lifetime.

Membership of VRFish is open to anyone in Victoria and our quarterly meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend. The annual meeting dates are on our website.
We have 3 classes of membership - (1) Affiated (representatives from large Clubs and regional fishing associations), (2) Unaffiated (your average fisher who is not a member of a Club or association) and (3) representatives from Kindred interests such as Spearfishers, Native Fish Australia, Fishcare, Victorian Game Fishing Association and a host of other entities interested in recreational fishing. This gives the organisation the opportunity to consult with a wide range of people to provide advice and input into recreational fishing policy which represents the views of fishers across Victoria and across many issues. We try to represent the views of all fishers, not just specific groups.
In relation to the TeaTree snapper competition, I can only say that the organisers are very aware of the number of fish that are captured each year and they have voluntarilly changed the competition rules over the years to minimise any possible negative images or perceptions. They have openly worked with VRFish and Dr. Paul Hardy-Smith (A Vet) to ensure that fish caught in the competition are properly looked after by the competition participants, whether they wish to keep a fish for the table or release it after capture. The competition is also now based on the capture of up to only two fish, with prizes based on a lucky draw and not on the size of the fish. This has removed the need for "high grading" to a huge extent.

I am probably taking up too much of your time so I will close by saying that I am a volunteer and all the members of VRFish are also volunteers. We completed a study a few years ago and calculated that the volunteer members had given up approximately 10,000 hours of their collective time to fight to ensure that all Victorian fishers can continue to enjoy their fishing. If any of you reading this reply would like to be part of VRFish, even just as a supporter and not actually giving up any time attending meetings and workshops, I would love to hear from you.
My name is Russell Conway and you can email me at or you can call our Office in Williamstown and talk to Dallas D'Silva on 9397 6318.
This forum process is a new experience for me, but please feel free to contact me with your ideas or concerns and I will try to assist where I or VRFish can. Hopefully the next reply from me will be much shorter.
Thanks Russell.

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:05 pm
by Rod Bender
vrfish wrote:...................................................................................................................................................

I am probably taking up too much of your time so I will close by saying that I am a volunteer ..........................................
Not taking too much time at all! It may have helped if you responded sooner after your introductory post. I wondered if we would hear back. But as you say, you are new to this forum thing and you volunteer your time so perhaps you have a valid reason for the delay.

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:45 pm
by snapper hunter
Based on the reception, we are lucky Russel responded at all.

we should be encouraging these guys to participate here, not scare them away

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 9:49 pm
by barra mick
Thank you for replying vrfish

It was good to read yr answers.

Take as much time as you need in yr respones

Its good to have you hear to help answer the question....

Cheers bm

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 6:32 am
by VooDoo
Rod Bender wrote:
vrfish wrote:...................................................................................................................................................

I am probably taking up too much of your time so I will close by saying that I am a volunteer ..........................................
Not taking too much time at all! It may have helped if you responded sooner after your introductory post. I wondered if we would hear back. But as you say, you are new to this forum thing and you volunteer your time so perhaps you have a valid reason for the delay.

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 11:35 am
by Nude up
I would like to know how many people vr fish has as members not everyone of the 721000 vic fishers are club members for the same reasons vr fish has been plagued with political infighting no wonder rex hunt left and would only truly represent all vic fisho's if all had a vote. I have been in fishing clubs but now chose to do my own thing I am not a competitive person and fish for fun please stop saying you represent all fisho's because you don't

Re: VRFish, the Victorian Recreational Fishing Peak Body

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2014 12:33 pm
by Nude up
Why not tell all the forum how much money vrfish gets from the fishing licence fees to operate. If you recieve money from the government you will always side with them or sit on the fence not truly represent the average fisho