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Rain & a rise in river level brings on the trout...

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 9:08 pm
by meppstas
** This is the report of the trip when the little ghost brown lure broke,,

Rain & a rise in river level brings the trout on..
Mersey River, Liena.. 5652 (Medium).JPG
Tough walk getting to the river..

Checked the BOM site after we had a decent day of rain in the upper reaches of the Mersey River above Lake Rowallan a few days ago and found the river was up by around five inches so I decided to give the river a go. It was to be a late afternoon session by the time I had finished doing a few things around the house I was finally on my way at 1:40pm. The conditions were idea with heavy cloud, humid with some light rain on and off. It wasn't all that long before I was there and in the river ready to start the afternoon spin session. The first area I fished was a narrow fast water stretch, it was here I started off with a small gold bladed Aglia and on the very first cast hooked and landed a nice 420 gram rainbow. This was another great start just like the one I had a few days ago in the lower Mersey, one that ended just as quick as it started without another fish being caught over three hours.
Mersey River, Liena..5656 (Medium).JPG
Cast & drift method resulted in a rainbow first cast..
Mersey River, Liena..5655 (Medium).JPG
First trout of the afternoon..
I moved onto the next narrow fast water and had another take as soon as the spinner hit the water, this was a nice brown that tossed the spinner after making it's third leap from the river. After that I had one hit & miss plus a couple of follows before I went for a change of lure. Like most trips of late it was on with the ghost brown hard body and it only took a few casts before I had my first brown on and in the net after a short battle. That fish went 470 grams and was a beautifully coloured fish as well. A little further up I picked up two more medium size browns in a wide slower flowing stretch of river before moving into the shallow fast water runs. It was in this long shallow fast water stretch where I caught and released two rainbows and three browns from nine hook ups before it went quiet over the next two hundred meters.
Mersey River, Liena..5657 (Medium).JPG
Trout hooked & lost here..
Mersey River, Liena..5661 (Medium).JPG
Two browns taken here on LHS close to river bank..
Mersey River, Liena..5658 (Medium).JPG
First brown..
Mersey River, Liena..5660 (Medium).JPG
And the second brown..

I was only fishing another hundred meters of river that's a mix of medium and fast water before I'm going to call it a day. Fishing this last stretch of river I caught one more rainbow that was followed up with another three browns caught & released. I was now back to where I was going to exit the river when I decided to have one more cast with the little ghost brown lure. As I started to move my arm back with the rod for the next cast I noticed something small fall from the rod and plop in the water some five feet in front of me.
Mersey River, Liena..5663 (Medium).JPG
One of several browns caught & released today..
Mersey River, Liena..5666 (Medium).JPG
Another rainbow..
Mersey River, Liena..5665 (Medium).JPG
Wide shallow section of river that gave up a few trout..

It was then I noticed I only had the top half of my ghost brown lure left on the main line, the bottom half had parted ways and fallen in the river. I did manage to find the broken half then headed back to the car in disbelief at what had just happened. I did have trouble with the small bibs breaking off once a trout was hooked and played up in the net, but to have one just break in half was a first for me. This little hard body had done quite a lot of work and had also caught around 60 trout up until it broke so I gather that had something to do with it. Once home I had a closer inspection of the lure and I reckon it was just fatigue which caused it to break. The outer body of the hollow lure is less than 1.00 mm thick and may have become brittle as well. Any way it turned out to be a pretty good few hours on the river with a dozen trout caught & released.


Re: Rain & a rise in river level brings on the trout...

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:14 pm
by Lightningx
Enjoyed the read.
Great pics as always :thumbsup:

Re: Rain & a rise in river level brings on the trout...

Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 11:51 pm
by Paulanderson
A much better trip than your last one Adrian and some very pretty and well-conditioned Trout.

Re: Rain & a rise in river level brings on the trout...

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 4:27 am
by russellh2
Nice report Adrian - Bit of bad luck re the Lure - Maybe I should have been there this week not last week as I was - Ha Ha.

Re: Rain & a rise in river level brings on the trout...

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:41 am
by smile0784
Well done mate
Another great report

Re: Rain & a rise in river level brings on the trout...

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 10:56 am
by meppstas
Thanks guys, it wasn't a bad few hours spent in the river at all.. fairly happy with how the day went..

Russell you would certainly have taken a dive up there mate.. :)
