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Waranga Basin - a lot of water but no fish!

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 10:42 pm
by Rod Bender
Have been watching the weather forecast over the last week and planned on going today assuming we were going to get some rain and therefore knowing the Basin inlet channels would most likely be flowing. Well we got the rain. I had intentions of trying them (for trout) then getting back to Shepparton to try the Goulburn thinking the cod would be going off their nuts with the rising water. As usual I left preparation until the last minute so got everything together this morning. Actually spent more time I think deciding on what music to listen to on the way. Decided on the Billy Joel’s ‘Glass Houses’ album. So with that I headed off!
Went to Murchison where I can look at both the channels and make up my mind where to go. To my surprise the water was still relatively clear so on I went to my favorite inlet. Arrived and then spent about 15 minutes talking to a GMW employee then set up my rod. Only to find my reel noticeably absent as I had left it at home. Back to Shepp = 100km round trip for nothing and ended my chances of pursuing the cod later. Ended up back at the inlet as it looked pretty good but had no luck! Not even a redfin! A couple of other guys were there also and had no luck. I tried Rooster Tails, Blue Fox Vibrax and a Jointed Rapala. Was good being out there but. Just like fishing a big NZ river, except no trout, not as clean, no trees and is ‘man – made’. What can I say regarding no fish, I blame Billy Joel. Water is possibly still a bit warm for the trout.