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Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:22 pm
by ango
I was out there yesterday, I dropped the boat in about 8.00 am, I had to use the ramp opposite Laura St because there was no parking left at the Skate Park ramp, as it turned out, Laura St was better due to no climbing up and down the very high dock as at the Skate Park.
I went straight out to 6 mile reef and first drop I was on straight away, the action was non stop right up to 1.30 pm when I headed in. Lots of gurnards, barber perch, cod, and other fish that I don't even know what they were. I kept 6 pinkies all 33 - 38 cm so a few good feeds there. At one point the dolphins came for a visit, all in all a great day out.

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 3:24 pm
by Paulanderson
Well there is fishing and there is catching! Four hours drifting off The Pines and further West this morning was definitely not in the catching category. I tried various depths between 10 and 25 metres but there was very little drift and only a few baby Flatties (apart from 2 keepers) to keep me company. Just enough for fish and chips tonight!

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 3:03 pm
by Paulanderson
Well three trips later between gales and storms the past few weeks I have very little to report. Chased flatties off The Pines between 10 and 30 metres using squid and bluebait. First 2 trips resulted in just 2 keeper Flathead and a couple of big Gurnard each trip. Four hours this morning in great conditions with light winds and nice drift resulted in very few bites and no keepers. The boats fishing the 6 mile are doing OK with Pinkies and other reef species. I need a bigger boat!!!!! There is always next time and it was a really pleasant morning.

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:22 pm
by re-tyred
I go out to the six mile in my tinnie. Just has to be a perfect day.
Can't at the moment, I am in the Cairns area

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 7:52 am
by Paulanderson
Hope you are enjoying the warmth in Cairns! Quick question - what depth are you in when you first hit the 6 mile? I checked out the relevant maps for the location.

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 12:20 pm
by re-tyred
As you go out it will slowly get deeper to about 36m then it will come up to 30 or so on the reef

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2023 12:04 pm
by Paulanderson
Thanks re-tyred. Yesterday went further West past The Pines and ended up with 6 decent Flatties and of course a couple of big Gurnard. Small Flatties were a real nuisance. Another boat was a bit further West and they did very well on the Flathead. 19 to 21 metres was the best depth.

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2023 8:48 pm
by ango
I went out to the reefs today, it was bit quiet, maybe the conditions were too good, I find the fishing goes quite if it's too calm. I ended up with 3 pinkies & 2 Mowies, all 30 to 33 cm, plus the usual throw backs, gurnards, sgt bakets barber perch etc. so at least a couple of feeds. It was a very pleasant morning on the water.

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2023 2:40 pm
by Paulanderson
I went out yesterday as well Ango but a bit later than you - plagued by small Flathead off The Pines. Kept 2 around 40 cm, lost a couple of similar sized ones, and released a lot around 25 to 30 cm.

Re: Offshore Lakes Entrance

Posted: Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:19 pm
by Paulanderson
Headed East this morning for a change and after several drifts between 16 and 20 m not a single bite. Ended up working my way back off The Pines where I finally managed 2 keepers among the babies. Another boat fishing near me managed just 1 keeper - the larger Flathead are certainly scarce at the moment. On the plus side crumbed Flattie fillets and chips for supper!