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Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:58 pm
by dezza68
Been finding it very difficult to pick up fresh bait recently. Either just picking up one fish or they are all too small. Better luck today as went chasing some squid off one of the piers, couldn't get any squid, but managed to find a shoal of decent salmon. Only had my squid outfit with 4lb line so just put a hook on and free lined a bait into them. Cracking fight on this outfit, managed 6 over a kg and dropped several more. All ended when someone dropped a big lead in the middle of the shoal and they all scarpered. Still good fun and now have enough bait for an early snapper session off the rocks.

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:07 pm
by Lightningx
Good to hear mate.
Hopefully you convert it into some snappers :thumbsup:

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 8:33 pm
by dezza68
Had another bait bash today and now regretting the light line choice. Hooked into what would have been my PB, played it out and just getting the net ready when it wrapped me up in some floating weed and parted the line. Think I will go back to the 4kg line instead. Picked up one other just under the kg mark.

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:56 am
by purple5ive
4lb is asking for trouble on decent salmon man, but its the best way to learn to fish light line class. good luck on the next round, id try 6lb maybe first, should be doable on that if you have a good rod and smooth drag

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:29 am
by Rob1
While talking about fresh bait I was just wondering are cast nets illegal in Victoria to collect bait.

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:37 am
by hornet
Rob1 see below. ... -equipment

Bait nets (Hauling nets)
You may use a bait net to take bait from the following inland waters only:

any lake, swamp, marsh or lagoon;
Curdies River between the 'Narrows' and the bridge on the Great Ocean Road at Peterborough.
Fitzroy River downstream from the boat ramp;
Glenelg River downstream from the southern boundary of the lower Glenelg National Park;
Hopkins River downstream from Rowans Lane to within 200m of the mouth of the river (see Definition);
Merri River downstream from the Princes Highway, except within 400m in any direction from the footbridge at Pickering Point;
Snowy River downstream from the Government Wharf at Marlo;
Surrey River downstream from the Princes Highway;
Wimmera River downstream from the bridge on the Stawell-Marnoo Road to Lake Hindmarsh.
Maximum dimensions of a bait net are the same as those specified for marine waters. A bait net must not exceed 6m in length. Hauling ropes attached to each end also must not exceed 6m. Bait nets do not include cast nets, which are prohibited.

Equipment not permitted:

Report Illegal Fishing
Set lines
Mesh nets, cast nets
Mussel rakes
Barbed flying gaffs or harpoons

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:44 am
by Rob1
Cheers bud. There goes the live bait idea.

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 9:58 am
by DougieK
Rob1 wrote:Cheers bud. There goes the live bait idea.

You can just as effectively catch mullet with a tiny bit of chicken and a size 14 'mosquito' hook.

Also Dezza 4lb is completely unreasonable for salmon. I'm literally casting 60lb at the moment (cos my salmon reel exploded and i'm spinning with a 10k longtail setup) and get just as many hits as the guys next to me.

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 10:44 am
by purple5ive
have you noticed salmon being leader shy at any sage dougie?

ive been using my squid outfit with 14lb leader on the salmon recently, most days they have been very picky and not actively feeding, still got them but wasnt easy, was actually wondering if going down to 8lb or so would make any difference.. from what ive seen they dont give a rats ass with leader size, but you never know

Re: Bait hunting

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 12:15 pm
by DougieK
purple5ive wrote:have you noticed salmon being leader shy at any sage dougie?

ive been using my squid outfit with 14lb leader on the salmon recently, most days they have been very picky and not actively feeding, still got them but wasnt easy, was actually wondering if going down to 8lb or so would make any difference.. from what ive seen they dont give a rats ass with leader size, but you never know

No. I've caught salmon on 6lb and on 80lb on lures, and had one take a livey from under a balloon on a 250lb Marlin rig. Being an aggressive schooling fish if you find them it's not really about whether or not they are going to take your lure but which one gets to it first. I'm almost certain that's also the reason catches seem to be larger when fishing surface lures, the bigger, more aggressive fish get's there first.

Anecdotally, on the last Gunnamatta trip with the Rare Southern Redcrested Floglodite I was spinning with my king gear trying to rebuild some conditioning for summer (spin fitness is a different beast), casting 60lb leaders on 22kg line and with him using sensible gear we got one each.

Most of the time when you think you have a salmon shying away from a leader it's not a salmon. Drag something shiny past it's face and it's going to hit it.