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Warmies - Sat 04/ 08 - AM

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 1:43 pm
by StarrangerAU
Looking at the forecast on Friday night , geez you'd be excused for thinking to do something other than fishing with 25-30k winds predicted. Though come Saturday morning the weather dudes look like they might have got it wrong. You woildn't trust it though, so I decided to keep todays venture closer to home in case it all went belly up.

After thinking about missed opportunities from last weekend I decide to make a go of the Warmies. Arrive circa 9.00am, high tide was at 7.30 so I already know I'm behind the eightball, wind is bordering on being a pain, but I'm here now so lets drown some bait.

Moved around perhaps 3-4 times during the next 2 hours, trying to locate some action, and truth told it was very very ordinary. A few nibbles, but no bang bang bites which is what I was hoping for. 11.30AM rolls around and I'm thinking its time to break down the kit and head home when the tiddler rod buckles over. After a short but eventful fight up surfaces a 42cm Tailor, I waste no time landing him cause I knew he'd saw his way through the light leader if I mucked around too much.

Thinking where there is one there should be more I quickly get the lines back in hopeeful for a repeat performance.....and nope. Just the one. So pack it in, and back in the car homeward bound by 12.30. Not a great outing, very slow, but didn't go home empty handed. Happy Days.

Arr 9.00
High tide 7.30am
Winds N-NW 15
Pillies n Mussels
1 x Tailor 42cm

Re: Warmies - Sat 04/ 08 - AM

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 3:35 pm
by Sinsemilla
Good work. I've never caught a tailor in ppb.. It's something i need to tick off the list.

Cheers for the report!


Re: Warmies - Sat 04/ 08 - AM

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 4:44 pm
by Redhunter
Well done. Good effort! Schools used to turn up regularly when the station was pumping out warm water, but I believe that's a rarity nowadays. Similar to salmon or mullet, they usually aren't alone. They put up a good account of themselves, and are a favourite for the mighty jew.

Re: Warmies - Sat 04/ 08 - AM

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 5:10 pm
by Lightningx
Nice report and pics mate!
That’s a decent size tailor. As it has been mentioned I used to get them ages ago when the power station was working!
Well done. Nice work :thumbsup:

Re: Warmies - Sat 04/ 08 - AM

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 12:34 pm
by fishnut